Space Needle and Birthday Dinner


Pano Src

We got to the Space Needle viewing platform just in time for sunset

The sun setting at the Seattle Space Needle

Sunset at the Space Needle in Seattle

Space Needle sunset

A Space Needle sunset

Sunset from the Space Needle

Beth at the Seattle Space Needle

Oluf at the Seattle Space Needle

Oluf at the Seattle Space Needle

Oluf at the Seattle Space Needle

Downtown skyline with Mount Rainier in the distance

Seattle Kingdome and Mount Rainier in the distance

Sunset from the Space Needle

Sunset from the Space Needle

Sunset from the Space Needle

Sunset from the Space Needle

Sunset from the Space Needle

Sunset from the Space Needle

View from the Space Needle revolving restaurant

Beth enjoying the view at her birthday dinner

Dining at the Space Needle restaurant

View from the Space Needle restaurant towards downtown Seattle

View from the Space Needle restaurant

The Lunar Orbiter dessert before the water starts off the dry ice fog

The tip of the Lunar Orbiter dessert

Foggy Lunar Orbiter dessert from the revolving restaurant at the top of the Space Needle

Steam from the Lunar Orbiter dessert

Lunar Orbiter dessert

Lunar Orbiter dessert steaming


Space Needle reflection

Seattle Space Needle reflected in the Experience Music building

Space Needle at night

Space Needle at night

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)